Flotilla 5-10 Lake Ray Hubbard


Flotilla 5-10 is an active United States Coast Guard Auxiliary unit in the 8th District Coastal Region. Our primary Area of Operations is Lake Ray Hubbard, on the East Fork of the Trinity River, just 17 miles east of Dallas, Texas. Lake Ray Hubbard covers 21,671 acres and has a maximum depth of 40 feet. It transects Collin, Dallas, Rockwall and Kaufman counties.

Flotilla 5-10 regularly conducts safety patrols, looking for boaters in need of assistance, and maintains a Waterway Watch to identify suspicious activities that may indicate threats to our homeland security.

Flotilla 5-10 is currently celebrating its 36th year of service to the Dallas area providing vessel safety checks, safe boating courses, harbor patrols, and search and rescue operations.

Contact us at (469) 893-0510 or at uscgauxrayhubbard@gmail.com.


Flotilla 5-10 Ray Hubbard Blog

Division 5 Blog and Newsletter


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semper paratus

The United States Coast Guard Auxiliary is always looking for individuals wanting to learn new skills, save lives, and serve their country. Click here for more information.